the one i was meant to spend my life with. although i am comforted by the fact that she is my soulmate and we must have been destined to meet at some point. we have been searching for each other our whole lives. were we from the same star? waiting to be together again? i believe our souls have been married since the creation of the universe, and we have finally found each other.
The next day It was wednesday, promptly toward the beginning of the day we both went to a temple for a purpose ; A feeling of Bhakti or reverential love is summoned .Then after, day passes strolling around the streets ,visiting cafes ,stupas,rough ride,arguments,minor fall etc etc and we lost everyone and everything that day which lead us to the tranquility of time everlasting.
Later that evening, i see us on brown couch, grazing elbows, exchanging smirks behind our enormous coffee mugs. she make my coffee just right; full of love and enough room to let my heart melt,
, her shoulder pressed into my cheek leaving another trail of glitter. she hold me just right; full of love and no room for me to shutter at thought of this moment ending.
We came back to our palace because it was dark out. we praised the darkness for letting us count the stars as the visibilty was set to infinity.
Only once in my life, I truly believed, i found someone who can completely turn my world around.i then knew I found whom i was waiting for telling things that i’ve never shared with another soul and i realised she will be the one to absorb everything i say and actually want to hear more.
i thought of sharing hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at me.
And now When something wonderful happens, i can’t wait to tell her about it, knowing she will share in my excitement. she is not embarrassed to cry with me when i am hurting or laugh with me when i make a fool of myself. Never do she hurt my feelings or make me feel like i am not good enough, but rather she build me up and show me the things about myself that make me special .....
October 19, 2019
Walk to remember👌